So of course I have a ton of clothes I don't wear anymore. You just get tired of them. Or they become just not appropriate anymore... like those tight clubbing shirts I use to wear 1st yr of college :P So my friend and I decided to check out selling our clothes. We went to Closet Exchange since it was close by my apartment, its like a Plato's closet, pretty much a 2nd hand thrift shop.
We brought a whole bunch of our unwanted clothes and they took the WORST stuff. I mean some of the things I brought in were decent, but they picked out the stuff was super cheesy. I had this yellow, faded Tommy Hilfiger racerback tank top from MIDDLE SCHOOL, which they wanted! Why? I have no idea! My friend brought 7 jeans and other nice things and they didn't want those! It just shows you how fickle second hand shops can be. The idea of selling your clothes seem good, but I mean you really only get about $1 for a shirt if you are able to sell it... so it makes me think, is it even worth it or should I just give it away to charity? Well I guess it is better than nothing! I was thinking trying to sell my decent pickings on Ebay, which may be a better idea, but more of the hassle I suppose.
What do you guys do with your old worn down clothes? Charity? Hands me downs to your siblings? Or do you just allow them to sit in your closet forever?
I usually salvage the ones that are still stylish and pass them down to my younger cousins. Everything else goes to donation. Of course there are a few things that I don't wear now, but I'm sure I'll wear them in the future. (or at least that's what i tell myself). haha
i do a little bit of everything. my old clothes will sit in my closet until i get so annoyed i offer them to my sisters, then whatever they don't want i give to charity!
i've never tried selling them. i think i'd rather just give them away lol. i'd get annoyed with the 2nd hand store!
It's so funny, I hear that 2nd shops do that a lot - buy things that you think they wouldn't and passing on the things you're sure they'll take - so strange. We don't have places like this in Toronto (that I know of) so Charity is much easier, but for the *nicer* ones, I sell online at my store :)
i donate my clothes every year.
silly second hand stores :)
go for charity!
- jen
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