The lady at Sephora was pretty helpful in helping me pick out a shade and teaching me how to apply it with a foundation brush for an overall even texture. A brush also saves more of the foundation than using a sponge which soaks up all the product. Also, put the product on the back of your hand and then use the brush to pick up the color. The one she used was pretty pricey at $30 but the bristles did feel really nice and soft, I found this other one for a lot cheaper if I do decide to invest in one. She was a good seller. She also talked to me about this Make Up Forever product, Skin Transforming Powder, which seemed pretty tempting.. luckily I am very poor so I can only afford one $40 dollar foundation with a $15 dollar coupon for Beauty Insiders (you guys should totally sign up if you aren't one yet!). But so far, I am happy with my purchase. It beats out the Lorac, Clinique, Shiseido, Stila, and Benefit foundations I've tried before. I pretty much try a new brand every time my foundation runs out.. so hopefully this one is the winner. If not, I'm also interested in trying out the Laura Mercier.
Its ridiculous how many things I WANT from Sephora. I don't even need this many beauty products but I really can't help myself. AH, I love that store.. anyway, here are a few more things that I wouldn't mind acquiring besides the foundation brush:

I will def have to try this foundation. I currently use Stila and it's really expensive, yet not that impressive =/ Thanks for the info!
J, i have to get you that benefit lipscription, i can't believe you not already an owner
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