Update: Hayden finally shows off her new hair-do! Hayden was seen at the Flex Rally 2008 charity event in L.A. on Saturday June 21st.

I absolutely love the show Heroes! I think Hayden Panettiere is so adorable as everyone's favorite cheerleader. I hope this girl stays sweet and innocent! Recently I read online that she got a new short hair-do around June 9th and 10th but I recently saw pictures of her at the United States Launch Party for Kira Plastinina on Saturday, June 14 with long locks. So I'm guessing shes wearing extensions or did I totally miss something!? I guess Hayden isn't feeling the short Vicki-B-do! What do you think? Love it or Hate it!?

I couldn't find any pictures with her new haircut without her messing with her hair or sunglasses pulling her hair back. I guess she really doesn't like it! But a new haircut usually takes some time to grow on you especially such a drastic cut. She should give it more of a chance, could look really cute on her! :)
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