I've been so busy lately. We're taking this study course for boards right now, which is taking up ALL my time. Its pretty much like 8 hours of a lot of information crammed in for 4 days.. so we have 2 more days to go. Its really good but its just so tiring! But in the mean time, I've been looking up hair straighteners to buy. I really want a new flat iron that curls your hair. My hair has been getting longer so I just want a bouncy head of curls! Haha.
Right now
Folica is having a sale with $20 bucks off $100 purchase, which is perfect since I want to spend only around $100 for a new flat iron. There are just so many brands out there, its hard to choose. I want something that is high quality/professional, that will curl/straighten well (that means my hair stays stick straight for most of the day), and something that will last. I've been looking at CHI, SEDU and SOLIA hair straighteners so far. GHD seems like the BEST out there, but its too pricey and out of my range.

CHI straightener is a very well know hair straightener. Although some of my friends have Chi hair straighteners and had no problems, I've read online that many of them have broken easily, like within a year or less... which makes me a little uneasy about getting one, plus there isn't any temperature adjustment. My hair is fine-medium so I don't really need something that is super heated or anything so I would like the option of using a lesser setting.
SEDU seems like a pretty reputable brand. This one is the specifications that I'm looking for, 1" used to straighten and curl hair with adjustable temperature. The only thing is that it is a little pricer at $140. I wouldn't mind spending more if I knew it was worth it, but I'm not sure if it is. From the reviews I read, it was comparable to the SOLIA hair straightener.

SOLIA brand is one that I wasn't too familiar with until I started researching what hair straightener to get. This one seemed very similar to the SEDU and from what I was getting, most people online were choosing between either the SEDU or SOLIA. I couldn't really tell much difference between the two except the SEDU is pricer and little more well known (one of their flat iron models was mentioned in numerous magazines such as Allure).

The last one I was deciding between was the
Enzo Milano hair straightener. I'm only considering this one because my cousin has the same model and it works really well for her. It is also a professional iron, but I believe this brand is more well known for their curling irons.
All of these irons are tourmaline ceramic and all boast that they don't snag your hair and keeps it healthy (although you are frying your hair on like 350 degrees of heat but thats besides the point..) so I have no idea which flat iron I should go for! If you have any suggestions, please let me know!