I was in Fort Worth Texas a few weeks back for a conference. It was really nice since it was all paid for and even sweeter that I got upgraded to first class on my way back! Definitely more roomier, better service and you don't have to pay for food (they even have real utensils if you've never been, haha)
This was my first time in Texas so I was super excited to go! Fort Worth is a smaller city outside of Dallas. It probably only took like 30 minutes to walk around the downtown. It was a really packed weekend since I had classes to attend plus trying to fit in those touristy things! We did go to a rodeo, which was fun and a little sad when the calves' legs got pulled in different directions! But anyhow, it was a good trip & I'm glad I got to see a little of the southwest!
Glimpse of Downtown Fort Worth, Texas
Mmm, Texas Beef!

Bulls as modes of transport?
This cowgirl shows us how to do it!
We can say now that we've gone to Texas and rode a bull!
The kiddies at the Rodeo, the clown made them roll all over in dirt and go back to their parents, it was hilarious!
A night out, drinks were only 75 CENTS!!! We felt rich that night, drinks on me! haha. Coat check costs more than 5 drinks in DC!!!