I'm always about buying the cheapest tickets and looking around for the best prices. I usually use Kayak, AirfareWatchDog, and all the various usual sites to look for cheap tickets. I ended up buying one from Southwest. It was decent for a one-way, although if I could have gone a week after New Year's, it would have been $50 cheaper, but oh well, can't help that! Also, if you are part of their rapids rewards program, you can get a free flight after 8 RT flights. So, we'll see how much traveling I will be doing to be able to get a free ticket. haha.
I will be in the San Fran area for about 5 months starting right after New Year's, flying in on Jan 2nd, eeks! I can't wait although it'll be totally different since I'm so use to the East Coast life and even being so close to my family and friends. Being only 2.5 hours away from home from Philly isn't really that bad and I've always gone home about every month or so. It'll be a change not seeing my family for 5 months, but luckily I have relatives on the West Coast I'm staying with so it won't be lonely. I have a ton of things that I want to do while I'm over there. One thing is that I need to get better at snowboarding so I can take advantage of Lake Tahoe!
I've been watching a lot of Californication lately. Love that show. It's a little more adult since Hank sleeps around with everything that walks, but its pretty good. He's got a good heart & loves his daughter. I would definitely recommend it, watch a couple episodes to really get into it!
I guess I'm ready to move on! I will update you guys on my travels to the Sunny State!