I was reading my usual fashion blogs and I came across to
The Look 4 Lesswhich featured Ebates.com on their website. Its a site that pays you for shopping! All you have to do is go to their website and from there, you search for the website you want to make a purchase from like if you want to buy something from like Target and they give you a percentage back for what you spend, it ranges from 1-6% but every little bit counts right? I'm always buying random stuff online, so its nice getting a little bit of "tax" money back on your purchases even if its not that much, its better than nothing!
They are having a special promotion right now where they are giving a $10 giftcard if you sign up for stores such as everyone's fave, SEPHORA! so I would definitely recommend at least trying it out. You aren't losing anything by using this website and theres no type of obligations or anything. My email address for referral is
Juliet03@gmail.com if you would be so kind! But no pressure or anything, I just figured I would share this website I recently found out about.
Use this
Ebates link for $10 gift card
Use this
Ebates link for $5 to get you started in your account
Also for you ebay-ers ... try using this site
SavingsWatch because they give back 1.5% for ebay, which Ebates.com does not feature. If you sign up, they give you $5.00 in your account as well. Both the sites are similar, some giving more % than others. You have to reach a certain amount of money before they send you back a check so I would suggest thinking to one site or another if they offer both stores at each site. Its $10 in your account for SavingsWatch and $5 for Ebates before a check is sent to you. Here is a sample of what stores they offer

These sites also offer coupons so its a good way to check out the good deals out there.
Happy shopping! I'm already buying a whole bunch of stuff from Target right now!